My Horse is Frustrated with Clicker Training
Clicker training is a very powerful tool that can be used to teach a horse anything. I’ve seen horses get frustrated with clicker training too
Clicker training is a very powerful tool that can be used to teach a horse anything. I’ve seen horses get frustrated with clicker training too
I’ve had this experience with my miniature donkey. Every time I presented him with the target in the beginning he would either turn his head as if to
I’ve experienced this before with a pony stallion that I own as he was really frightened by the target. When I purchased this stallion he
When Clicker training a horse do I have to use a clicker? I always start all of my horses out with a clicker because
[audio:|titles=Clicker Sound] This is not uncommon as I too have experienced this with one of my horses. Every time I clicked for him touching the
The first thing I teach when clicker training a horse is targeting. This is the first step to getting started with clicker training. The target
Clicker training a horse, these are the tools you need to get started. You will need a mechanical clicker, treats, a target and a
What is clicker training a horse? It is a method of behavior modification with positive reinforcement which is rewarding the horse for the
[audio:|titles=Extinguish Behaviors] Recently I was asked this question “I taught my horse to back for treats and he’s been backing away from me ever since!