
Clicker Training A Horse – What is Clicker Training?

    What is clicker training a horse? It is a method of behavior modification with positive reinforcement which is rewarding the horse for the behavior you want. Using a clicker as a marker signal that instantly marks the behavior. You can accomplish amazing things with clicker training. I offer distance learning classes where you…

Clicker Training Extinguishing Behaviors

[audio:https://passionatehorsemanship.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/ExtingushBehaviorsMary.mp3|titles=Extinguish Behaviors] Recently I was asked this question “I taught my horse to back for treats and he’s been backing away from me ever since! I had to ignore backing and treat him for coming forward. Lately I taught him to pick up his feet on a hand signal, only now he’s picking his feet up all…