
Why Should I Learn How To Use Clicker Training

I’ve been training horses for over 35 years and this is the best and most effective way I’ve seen to communicate with your horse. With clicker training your communication becomes much clearer, your bond will deepen and you and your horse’s frustration level will be lowered. The clicker tells your horse the exact moment they…


5 Reasons Why Clicker Training Can Benefit Your Training Program

There are so many reasons to use clicker training that will benefit you and your horse, below I’ve listed a few reasons. I love using clicker training because it can be incorporated into most any training program. It’s great for teaching manners from the ground and is also very useful when riding. Before I started…


5 Things You Can Teach a Horse Using Clicker Training

With clicker training you can teach a horse so many things. In this post I will share 5 things you can teach your horse using clicker training. The clicker signal is a very powerful communication tool. When used properly you will get outstanding results that last. Using clicker training you can have a horse that 


Clicker Training A Horse – What is Clicker Training?

    What is clicker training a horse? It is a method of behavior modification with positive reinforcement which is rewarding the horse for the behavior you want. Using a clicker as a marker signal that instantly marks the behavior. You can accomplish amazing things with clicker training. I offer distance learning classes where you…