This Horse Picked Me!

I’m sure some of you have had this happen before where a horse picks you. It is truly an awesome feeling. The horse you see in the picture is a Section A Welsh pony stallion. I had no intention of buying him but he picked me so I took him home. When I decided to…

Attacked By A Horse

I just watched Clinton Anderson’s TV program where a horse had attacked the owner’s mother and then later on tried to attack the owner. When Clinton interviewed her I heard her say “I had no idea that horses would attack people like that.” I was sad to see what the horse had done


5 Things You Can Teach a Horse Using Clicker Training

With clicker training you can teach a horse so many things. In this post I will share 5 things you can teach your horse using clicker training. The clicker signal is a very powerful communication tool. When used properly you will get outstanding results that last. Using clicker training you can have a horse that 

Clicker Training A Horse – My horse is not interested in the target?

I’ve had this experience with my miniature donkey. Every time I presented him with the target in the beginning he would either turn his head as if to say “you’ve got to be kidding you want me to touch that” or he would walk away. I had to break things down for him to help him be successful. What…