
Equine Iridology – What The Eyes Tell You (Yes they really do)

What is Equine Iridology? It is the science of assessing the horse’s health by analyzing the fiber structure, color and markings of the iris. Equine Iridology is an assessment modality that looks at the body’s constitutional strengths and weaknesses, levels of inflammation and the functioning of the elimination system and organs. Iridology is not a…

Impaction Colic In Horses

Impaction colic generally means severe constipation. Yes horses get constipated and it could be deadly. Would you know what the signs or symptoms are? There are things you can do to help prevent this. Causes of constipation*Stress*Poor diet*Dehydration: if this happens they will more than likely need IV fluids*Not able to chew food properly (usually found in…